Chime School – Give Your Heart Away

The glorious 2021 self-titled debut by Bay Area DIY jangle project Chime School provided a giddy rush of pure pop that encapsulated thirty plus years of glorious indie within its thirty minute duration. This time out Andy Pastalaniec has drawn breath, taken stock and further honed his already considerable songcraft, making new single Give Your Heart Away his most assured statement yet.

Harnessing sun dappled sadness shot through with the gentlest ache of hope, Pastalaniec’s chiming guitars and understated melodies do the heavy lifting atop a rhythm section striving ever forward with both muscle and finesse. Lyrically, the song channels the artist’s second passion of photography, framing a distant, directionless moment in time when perhaps a few too many hours were lost enjoying endless San Francisco nights.

Give Your Heart Away video, by Britta Leijonflycht

Give Your Heart Away is taken from Chime School’s forthcoming sophomore album The Boy Who Ran The Paisley Hotel, released 23rd August via Slumberland Records. Pre-order available here. UK readers should head here.

Chime School tour the UK this Autumn, ticket information can be found here.

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